Early Stage and Discovery Deals - Strategy, Structure and Payment Terms
Released on = April 10, 2007, 2:20 am
Press Release Author = Namrata
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Today early stage partnering is a core component of both biotech and pharmaceutical business strategy, allowing companies to access promising new and emerging compounds and technologies.
Press Release Body = Early Stage and Discovery Deals: Strategy, Structure and Payment Terms Today early stage partnering is a core component of both biotech and pharmaceutical business strategy, allowing companies to access promising new and emerging compounds and technologies. To become a successful player within the life science industry it is crucial to understand the changing dynamics of the industry's early stage dealmaking trends. Dealmaking in the pharmaceutical industry is constantly growing; big pharmaceutical companies are forecast to receive around 40-50% of their revenue from in-licensed products by 2010. The balance of dealmaking activity has also moved, from the later stages of development to the early stages, where deals have not only increased in number but value too. For example in 2006 ChemoCentryx signed a potential US$1.5 billion drug discovery and development deal with GlaxoSmithKline. Deal complexity is advancing in terms of both financial reward structures and exchange of non-monetary capabilities. Therefore, to obtain a more rounded understanding of valuation and to achieve the maximum benefits of a deal it is essential to consider non-monetary benefits as well as deal values.
For more information kindly visit http://www.bharatbook.com/general/Early_Stage_and_Discovery_Deals_Strategy_Structure_and_Payment_Terms.html
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